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Hammams, or Turkish baths, are cubicles with humid heat: the density of the steam can reach 90-100%, while temperatures remain relatively low at around 40-50°C. When designing a Hammam, there must be enough space for the steam and water and air must be able to flow correctly. The emission and quality of the steam also need constant monitoring and this is achieved by sophisticated technologies which our partners have developed in-house.



The Turkish bath or Hammam is a very ancient wellness treatment, a tradition that has stayed virtually untouched. The technology and methods used may have changed, but its essence has not. The steam bath is indeed still synonymous with pleasure and regeneration. An increasingly sought-after Salus per aquam experience that can be enjoyed both in hotels and at home.



A Turkish bath is a hot steam hydro-therapy treatment which has a miraculous effect on both the mental and physical state of everyone able to enjoy its benefits to the full. A Turkish bath is the perfect remedy for stress and the uncomfortable physiological reactions it can provoke thanks to the soothing and all-round relaxing effect the hot steam has on both body and mind
A Turkish bath is the ideal antidote to all those tensions that build up over the working day, banishing every kind of stress. The sense of wellbeing generated by the steam bath is not limited to the psyche. The first action of the heat is that it dilates the blood vessels which immediately improves the circulation, producing a positive tonic effect.

The pores in the skin also dilate making possible deep cleansing of the skin and thorough purification, all of which translates into softer, more elastic skin with a great glow. Alongside cell renewal the steam has a soothing effect on skin problems, reducing acne and dermatitis.

The beneficial properties of a Turkish bath can also help people suffering from localised aches and pains since better blood circulation carries more oxygen to damaged areas and inevitably brings about an immediate reduction in pain and more rapid healing.

Even the most stubborn colds can be resolved: the heat helps to decongest the mucous membranes and to loosen and expel excess mucus. It should also be remembered that, among the other benefits of the hammam, the steam clears the respiratory tract, has a relaxing effect, stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation, oxygenating the tissues, which are thus more toned and compact.